Race Preview: ÖTILLÖ Swimrun Malta
ÖTILLÖ Swimrun Malta returns on the 5th of November for its 3rd edition and the season finale for the ÖTILLÖ World Series.
Participants will race around the northern end of the craggy limestone island, formed millions of years ago. This is a remote and varied course with swims through clear warm waters, rugged coastal trails and tricky transitions hopping in and out of the sea.
There are three distances offered, the World Series course is just under 40km long (32km of running and 7.5km of swimming). The Sprint course covers a distance of 14km (12km of running and 2.3km of swimming) and the Experience course, 8km (7km of running and 1.2km of swimming).
Entries for the 2022 event are still open with more information here.